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Thursday, September 20, 2007

In Pursuit Of Happyness

Hi,people..I am posting my blog nearly after two months..hope this proves to be good read
The topic which ive chosen this time is "Happiness"..I could not think of a better title than the will smith's movie.The relevance ends there..
Last few months has taught me loads regarding life and ways about it.Well here it goes...
The philosophy is very simple as i found out..Life is really beautiful and simple..
To achieve happiness we need to shun out the negativity and unhappiness outta the closet..
The biggest cause of our concerns are that we are so very dependent on the things and activities going around us that we are increasingly becoming culpable of being susceptible to indeterministic environment.As Murphy says "If something has to go wrong,it will go wrong.I beg to differ it will go wrong if u let it to go wrong".Lemme elucidate..
See basically when something doesn't go our way,we feel let down and swear unmentionables etc..But if we kinda look aside and detach ourselves from the problem and look it from an outsiders perspective the fog does fade away..
I used to be an elitist{or at least considered myself as one}but increasingly it became difficult to converse or communicate with fellow mates in a simple manner..That really used to be the problem not to me but to the ones around me.Also i used to sulk a lot when something doesn't go my way.I was terribly wrong as i found out.It would go my way ,but take a different route..and may be the destination too is synonymous with what i actually wanted..The key is to hold on long.[The example which i tried to explain might seem pretty inane,but still bear with me..]heh..
Enough of preaching has been done i guess..ill end my blog here..I do believe i and anyone can over ride murphy's ideologies to an extent in the future.
Love Life.[:)]

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